For Paladin and Demon Slayer, if you're into bossing, aim for %Boss lines on regular potential and %ATT lines on bonus potential. If you're only going to be hunting regular mobs for the rest of your life, then %ATT and %Total Damage wouldn't be too different, but for utility, aim for strictly %ATT.Īnd we haven't even considered %Ignore PDR lines yet, so in short, you want to keep whatever potential that is 'decent' while maintaining a proper balance in stats. If you're into bossing, then for weapons/secondaries, you'd want to aim for a mix of %Boss Damage and %ATT or purely %Boss Damage. HP: 12,600,000 (12.6 Million) No actual damage minimum required. Emblems can't be cubed for %Boss, so you'd aim for lines of %ATT. Here’s a simple guide on what is the minimum damage based on your Mu Lung Dojo Floor Levels for each of the bosses according to the sequence in Maplestory under Boss Queue. Of course, it also depends on what you want to do in-game, and what item (i.e. %Boss Damage) can easily overshadow small amounts of %ATT simply because it comes in large quantities. Not sure if Paladin and Demon Slayer have innate %Total Damage buffs from skills other than Reinforce Hypers, but even if that is not the case, it's best to choose %ATT over %Total Damage when it's possible. What would you recommend for a Paladin and a Demon Slayer?